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LOCAL SEARCH TALK: 31 Jan, 6pm, City University, London, UK


The next meeting of the OR Society's Local Search Study group is below.

PS. All requests for reprints, etc. should be sent to the speaker
    (ozie@MIT.EDU) and not to the announcer.

Dr Andrew Tuson MA(Oxon) MSc(Edin) PhD(Edin) GRSC (andrewt@soi.city.ac.uk)

Lecturer, Department of Computing, City University, London, UK.


OR Society: Local Search Study Group

Time: 		6pm (for 6.15pm) Wednesday 31st January, 2001

Place: 		Room A529, Department of Computing, City University,
		Northampton Square, London, EC1V OHB.

Title:          New Heuristics Based on Very Large Scale Neighborhood 
                Search Techniques 		

Speaker:	Ozlem Ergun (ozie@MIT.EDU)

Affilation:	Operations Research Center, MIT


This talk concentrates on a subset of very large scale neighborhood
(VLSN) search methods for solving sequencing problems such as traveling
salesman, vehicle routing, and single and multiple machine scheduling
problems.  We show that searching these neighborhoods is equivalent to

(i) finding a shortest path in a related auxiliary graph, 
(ii) solving an approximate dynamic programming formulation of the original

We also give some initial computational results for the capacitated VRP
with and without distance restrictions.